About Us

For more information about us or about our services don't hesitate to contact us.

Arrida Company Commitment

our commitment


* The company is committed to introducing a system of quality management and food safety, and tracking each new company in the field of catering services for the development of this system.

* Search for securing different sources of food both in the local market and international market and the import of originality taking into account safety, better quality and lower prices.

* Continuous improvement in the quality management system, food safety and operational performance and the way to reduce the cost of the service to increase competitiveness and expand market opportunities and satisfy customers.

* Recognize the wishes of the customer are always to make sure the capacity of services provided to meet their needs and expectations.

* The application of an accurate system for the control of food, including Sla specifications meet the requirements of local and international food safety provided.

* Foals staff development through continuous training and upgrading their performance.

* Provide the conditions and services for the workers to increase their membership and cooperation in the application of quality systems and the achievement of policy objectives of quality and food Safety Company.

* The formulation of our goals on a regular basis and to consider the end of each goal the beginning of a new target.

Food catering service

imageQuality, professionalism and customer care. These characteristics have distinguished the Arrida Co. food-service efforts for many years... more

hospital catering service

imageHospitals, nursing homes, institutions. In this area as well the Arrida Co. provides optimally run service. In all respects.. more

Edu. & Inst. catering service

imageWe can provide pro. catering services for educational institutions in Libya. more

Airport catering service

imageall facilities catering to international airports can be operated by our company.... more